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438 Malvern Road
Prahran, VIC, 3181




Features Overview


Dunlop Enduro Foam

This is a high density, world class foam that has superior comfort, support and resilience with great bounce back capabilities. Enduro Support retains its shape longer so it’s a perfect long life foam to suit your needs. Here’s what you need to know about Enduro Support:

  • Used in furniture cushioning and support, ottomans, mattress comfort layers and toppers & more

  • Lifetime warranty for domestic furniture applications

  • 10 year warranty for bedding applications

  • Meets minimum safety standards

  • Ignition resistant to AS/NZS 3744.1

  • Contains the antimicrobial treatment Ultra-Fresh


Black Cat Italian Webbing

Black Cat 680 / 3 Webbing


Hardwood Frames

Superb craftsman ship which feature a 10 year warranty on all sold timber frames